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People are the asset that determines whether a company succeeds or fails.  Yet many companies don't invest in specialists in developing their people; this critical skill is often outsourced.  This is where we come in.  
Binspired partners with businesses to make sure their team has the training and development support needed to achieve personal and professional goals.

Learning Needs Analysis


When setting goals and objectives for one year or five, you need to consider the skills and competencies your team will need to achieve them.  Business planning and people planning go hand in hand.  This is the time for a Learning Needs Analysis (LNA) - a stocktake of the skills and competencies that you already pay for and the gaps you need to fill if you are to be successful.


Here are some scenarios where you could invest in a LNA:​

  • Strategic planning

  • Succession planning

  • Performance planning and goal setting

  • Poor or inadequate performance

Learning needs analysis
Development Planning

Development Planning

When setting goals and objectives for staff it is likely that these will be a stretch on the previous year's performance.  This means that something has to change - either a behaviour or practice.


We work with clients to help them identify the changes that will help their team achieve their goals.  This could be a combination of formal or self-directed learning, buddying with other team members, coaching or mentoring, or a combination of one or all of these and other initiatives.


We know that effective development planning is something many managers haven't learned to do well and take an ad-hoc, reactive approach.  Here are just some of the benefits of letting the experts help with development planning:


  • Focus effort and funds where it will make a difference

  • Motivational for the employee

  • Skilled staff are easier to manage

  • Staff who achieve their goals are more satisfied at work

Writing Your Training Programmes

Writing Your Training Programmes

If you have people in your business with a passion for training or coaching others but aren't skilled in the design of adult learning, don't have the time to develop programmes, or don't have the technical expertise, we can help.


Binspired works with clients to understand their learning needs and how these connect to business objectives, and how learning can be integrated into their daily work-life.  We write learning programmes that are tailored to meet the brief and constraints, and train your staff to deliver the programmes.  


Some benefits of Binspired writing your training programmes include:

  • Confidence that all learning styles and needs will be met

  • Reassurance that content is current, well-researched, and relevant for your business

  • Security of a back-up trainer if your staff run out of capacity to deliver the training

  • Ability to use your material with all your staff which can make training cost-effective.

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